Florida Odyssey of the Mind
Manatee Region
STEP 1: National Membership Registration
A school or community organization may purchase a National Membership for $290. The Membership will allow the organization to field one team in each Long-Term problem for each division the organization covers. The exception to this rule is the primary division (K-2) in which a Membership can field multiple Teams. Most elementary schools are Division 1, middle schools are Division 2, high schools are Division 3, and colleges are Division 4.
Once registered, the organization will receive access to the current year's problem downloads which include the full versions of all (6) current year’s problems (NOTE: The synopses are just short versions - teams should not solve the problems based on the synopses alone!), a program guide (rule book), and other useful materials.
CLICK HERE TO REGISTER ONLINE and you will be redirected to the National Odyssey of the Mind Website where you can complete your registration for the current Odyssey year.
STEP 2: State/Regional Individual Team Registration
Once you have registered your membership with the National Odyssey of the Mind Organization, you will need to register with Florida Odyssey of the Mind (FLOMA).
The cost is $250.00 per team or $100.00 for Primary teams. This includes both State and Regional fees. All teams must be registered and paid by December 15th to participate in the tournaments.
You will also be asked to provide a volunteer judge and either a second judge or two half-day volunteers. Failure to provide volunteers will result in team penalties.
CLICK HERE TO REGISTER ONLINE and you will be directed to the Members Area. Click "Team Registration"